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The Barn Roof
Chanson de la Semaine

Having been a musician and writer for the best part of my adult life this adventure in france has been a bump in an otherwise musical trajectory. So at the suggestion of people who know better, I've decided to drag my toys back out of the toy cupboard and start playing with them again. To this end I am going to include a weekly song from my bursting toybox of invention for your delectation, delight or mere disdain. I'll leave that for you to decide.

This is the first track I've actually completed and recorded in about eight years. And miserable though it probably sounds, I've nevertheless had a lovely, happy time creating it. So - make of it what you will.

You've probably already seen a blue or yellow band at the top of the page asking if you want to run this program and showing a 'Run Active X' tab. Click on that and then click on 'Run' and a little CD player should open below the song title. Press Play, Stop or Whatever.

'The King Of Regret''

January 2016
The Barn Roof

The first job before anything else - house included - is to make the two barns water tight. One side of the roof is fine and looks like it was re-battoned about twenty years ago (that's respectable). The other side is completely wrecked and the top rafters and some of the 'A' frame wood has been severely damaged. So, that's what we've been doing. We're removing the old tiles and batons, and - where necessary - replacing the perished rafters. We're roofing the barns with a waterproof breathable membrane and red bitumen roofing sheets. At some point in the future when we've got a spare life, we'll replace the sheets with the traditional-style terracota tiles.

The Second Barn Roof

Although the buildings run contiguously there are actually two separate barns and the second one, the one on the right in the photos, appears to be the oldest. There'll be more info on the origins as I develop this site.
