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Chanson de la Semaine

To avoid repeating myself on a weekly basis and lose the interest of our regular fan, I will point you towards Week 68 in the Archive for an explanation of why I am suddenly featuring a piece of music each week. Incidentally, the Archive Pics with a little audio icon on them are the ones which will have this little feature..beginning, of course, with Week 68.

This week's song has been suggested by Rog and I'm more than happy to oblige. It's called 'International'

You've probably already seen a blue or yellow band at the top of the page asking if you want to run this program and showing a 'Run Active X' tab. Click on that and then click on 'Run' and a little CD player should open below the song title. Press Play, Stop or Whatever.


Week 78
Garden Paths and Gaz

An old chum of mine called Gary came to visit for a week. As usual most visitors do a bit of labour for bed and board. On this occasion I think Gaz was happy to do it. Anyway, we began work on the path leading from the grand terrace to the road. In the process we had a great week and gaz even got to go and see some places too.


We gave Gaz a day release to see the sites and I think he was suitably impressed. He took some nice photos. I also took the usual Guardian feature photo, entitled 'why we love each other' - misfits and their partners. See below. The final photo is of me receiving my first cheque for a sale, presented by Jan, who's a mate and co-owner of the gallery premises.

More Visits

It's been a busy time for old friends and visitors. A university chum of mine, Pete, whom I haven't seen for about 17 years, rolled up accompanied by his family. We had a pleasant few days of nostalgia and alcohol and they left for a campsite a few hours south of here. Piccies below.

The Garden

The garden's still looking very colourful. Graham and Gaz took some interesting perspectives that wouldn't have occured to me. Pics below.