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Chanson de la Semaine

To avoid repeating myself on a weekly basis and lose the interest of our regular fan, I will point you towards Week 68 in the Archive for an explanation of why I am suddenly featuring a piece of music each week. Incidentally, the Archive Pics with a little audio icon on them are the ones which will have this little feature..beginning, of course, with Week 68.

This week i'm giving your ears a rest from my warblings. The singer this time is called Lance and he sang the John Lennon tracks for The Tables as well as engineering the stuff. Anyway this song is one of my personal Table's favourites, partly because it's written in the style of Beatle's 1966/67, which are the years that have a particular resonnance for me and partly because it sounds, at least to me, the most authentic of the tracks. The jury is out and the song is called 'The Girl Who Runs Away'.

You've probably already seen a blue or yellow band at the top of the page asking if you want to run this program and showing a 'Run Active X' tab. Click on that and then click on 'Run' and a little CD player should open below the song title. Press Play, Stop or Whatever.

'The Girl Who Runs Away

Week 72
The Garden Wall and Border

I've finally planted trees etc. in the new border. We planted Maggie's oak bang in the middle, which was an event because we thought she was a goner in spring. Naturally Sheila knew best. We've laid stepping stones into the garden which lead to the border and compost heap. The neighbours can't make their mind up about the French expression for stepping stones. Half of them have opted for Les Pas Chinois and the others Les Pas Japonnais. All of them correct me when I use the expression they're not partial to. I just have to keep remembering who's opted for what or they'll think I've got the retention span of a goldfish. The lawn's looking a bit bare by the border, that's because I've added new top soil to level it out.

Pictures on the Wall

I've added a few more pics to the gallery and have got a date for the open night: July 9th. Well oh well oh well.