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Week 2

This week we've been mainly ripping out the animal feed stalls. These formed a corridor at the back of the building between the middle two rooms.

Job two has been clearing out the upper floor, which was full of junk and accumulated debris. The next job for up here is cleaning the wood work and spraying it with insecticide, followed shortly by building up the eaves with blockwork.

Third job has been knocking down the stone wall which divides the forecourt and front garden. In the process of doing this we found a gully at the base of the wall about midway up. This turned out to be a drain for sluicing out the forecourt while cleaning out the animal pens. On the garden side of the wall there's a conduit which runs the water down the hill eventually to the street. The forecourt is overgrown with grass, but we figured that if it served to carry water it must be solid, so sure enough after digging under the grass there turns out to be a stone base. We don't know how intact or well made it is. We will find out sometime this week.

Knocking out the feed stalls
Cleaning out the upper floor
The disappearing wall
The mysterious hole and stone floor