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Week 14
Bathroom Floor

Sand and cemented all around the lower floor to keep out any moisture and added a layer of grit, we'll top that off with sand.

Kitchen Floor
We started taking this floor up on Monday. It took us till Friday to get down to the required layer, despite Graham employing the sonic vibration technique.
Déchetterie or Council Tip

Up till this week we've been accumulating the earth that's been coming out of the floors, but no longer. The local council (Commune) have a tip specifically for dumping earth and it's about 2 minutes in the car. So since Thursday all the earth has been going straight in the trailer and down to the dump. It all came a little unglued when they closed early friday and we had to unhitch a loaded trailer, spin it round, attach it back to the car and then climb a steep hill. It's all a learning curve.
The Garden

The weekend has been dry and sunny so we extended the garden edgers to the border nearest the road (which is going to be the last one to be planted out). We mowed the lawn for the first time: up till now we could only strim it, and started levelling the lawn off with soil. When all the dips have been evened out we'll seed it. If the weather's going to be dry next weekend, we'll do it then.

The enclosure we built at the end of the garden has now been filled with all the bricks and tiles that were against the house. This means we're not tripping over them all the time, and that water can drain away from the house better. Panoramic view across the stone mountain.